Floodwood Services and Training, Inc. (FST)
Senior Nutrition Services
Caterer for the area Meals on Wheels and Senior Dining Programs, sponsored by Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency.
Meals available to older adults, 60 and older who are registered. A $4.50 contribution to offset costs is encouraged; customers under age 60 may purchase meals and are charged $8.00. Meals are free to those who are covered by a waivered program (ex., Elderly Waiver (EW), Alternative Care (AC) and the Minnesota Community Access for Disability Inclusion Waiver (CADI), etc.)
FST carefully crafts menus that are not only delicious but meet the nutritional guidance provided by the program, ensuring that they are healthy and nutritious.
More information: FST 218-476-2230, Dawn Lamping, Executive Director
To register: AEOA 1-800-662-5711 ext. 6899 or 218-735-6899.
Order meals: 218-476-2230, Marcia Thomas, on-site chef.